
Al-Akabir Magazine

Representative of teachings of our mashayikh and authentic scholars, Al-Akabir is a monthly magazine featuring articles on diverse topics such as Quran & Hadith, Fiqh, Science of Spirituality, Q&A on Islamic matters, and more.

Under the guidance of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi damat barakatuhum and under the supervision of Shaykh Habibullah Ahmad damat barakatuhum, the magazine is issued from Mahad-al-Faqir-al-Islami Center in Jhang. The Editor-in-Chief of the magazine is Shaykh Saifullah Ahmad damat barakatuhum.

Subscribers in Pakistan may contact +92-314-3401401 or +92-314-3449929 to receive the monthly subscription. For all queries related to the Apple or Android app, please contact

To download multiple issues of the magazine from previous months, make a bundle purchase by clicking here.


Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi <em>damat barakatuhum</em> is one of the leading shaykhs of Tasawwuf in the present era, whose spiritual chain traces back through a series of authentic teachers all the way to the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). The Shajrah Tayyibah Naqshbandiyah <strong>eShajrah</strong> app covers the masnoon azkar, daily mamoolat of Mashayikh-e-Naqshband, asbaq (lessons) of the Silsilah ‘Aaliyah Naqshbandiyah and set of mannerisms for the Salikeen of this Path.

A handy pocket application, it encourages people to develop a habit of reading the aforementioned subjects to develop a strong bond of love and respect for the silsilah.

For any queries or suggestions regarding the phone application, please email

Bundle Purchase of Magazines

From the application, single issues can be purchased one at a time. In case you want to buy more than 1 magazine together, please select one of the options below:

Option 1:

2015 Al-Akabir Magazines for USD $6.00: Buy Now

Option 2:

All 12 editions from 2016 of Al-Akabir Magazines for USD $9.00: Buy Now


PLEASE READ: After making the purchase, please send the confirmation email directly at and the magazines will be added to your smartphone within 1 working day inshAllah. Note that the magazines can only be added till you forward the email at the address mentioned above.